Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Wells Group

The Wells Group was my first Indie team out here in New York, we were around in mid-2008. It formed from a terrific practice group with a lot of my 401 buddies, and we had a short-lived run as probably the greatest team of all time. Dawn, Trowbridge, Karien, Nick, Justin, McFate, Noah, Me and the namesake Mr. Jim Wells. It was terrific to feel a part of a community, and it got me immersed in the indie scene... let me meet a lot of great people and to this day still has a sort of bonded place in my heart. Even last week I did another show with Trowbridge, and it was fun remembering that nervous energy.

But the highlight of the team was a show in which McFate told all of us that he couldn't spell Arizona. It was ridiculous.

The picture is from our first show. I'm standing in the back with a ridiculous amount of light on me.

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